Sunday 10 June 2007

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Awake: 6:00am Temp 54 sleep 6+02 sunny overnight@ Nicktown, PA.

Ken & Theresa arrive @ 9:05am. After some casual chit-chat & sitting around, Kathy gives Theresa a tour of the inside of our motorhome & I give Ken a tour of the outside. Ken had many good questions & I answered as many as I could. I am still learning.

Kathy serves us (2) different kinds of homemade bread: cranberry orange & peanut butter chocolate chip that she has been experimenting with. I believe she was complimented on her successful baking by Ken & Theresa. Most of our talk centered around family activities so we got caught up on how their kids are doing & vice-versa. We chat until 11:00 & then they had to leave. We needed that rendezvous; Ken has been very kind to us: loaning his tractor & working with Melissa & Kevin on their wood flooring, etc.

Next, we scoot over to the church hall & have a breakfast sponsored by the Altar & Rosary Society: scrambled eggs, American fried potatoes with onion, bacon, sausage, Belgium waffles, coffee & juice. We join cousins, Ethel & Bernie, & neighbor, Mack S for ½ of our time; then move to another table & talk with Cyrus, Mary, & their kids: Fred, Ben, & Kate for the rest of our eating time.

Back @ our coach, we get a call from Nick in Seattle. He was not successful in getting his Sony camera back after unintentionally leaving it on the airplane. We felt bad for Nick & for us; that camera had some nice family & kid photos on the memory stick taken during our mini reunion in Norfolk, Virginia and photos of Jerry prior to that.

Then K & I drive to visit the Foote home; both boys were looking sharp & playing nice. Matthew was talking so much better; we both understood most of what he said. The Footes ate dinner @ 3:20; K & I simply have a smoothie; our stomachs were still full from our late breakfast. After they finish their dinner, we say our goodbyes for now & do some minor grocery shopping @ Giant Eagle, Martin’s, & Wal-Mart. Using a CD with pictures from our Asian Pacific Cruise, we copy (2) wallet size photos to make a print that we’ll give to the secretary to be in the Saint Nicholas Church directory book.

On our return to Nicktown, we make a stop @ Waterfalls Road to fill our (14) water jugs with drinking water if we need it during our travels.

Late dinner: Whole wheat English muffin with cheese & ham slices.

Lights out: 11:51pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 17, 2007 6:11 AM.

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