Tuesday 8 May 2007

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Awake: 6:20am Temp 47 sleep 9+20 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

I felt much better this morning as I was getting off the couch. It wasn’t the solid sleep I usually have but my body feels much better. Even my Japanese coffee, which I drank before Kathy awoke, tasted better this morning. She, by the way, was not looking her bright & lively self & tells me her night was not good & mostly her head was hurting. A few times thru the night however, she says she felt like she was going to upchuck. We were sitting around talking about all of these strange moments of not feeling so well when a car pulls into our circular drive.

It’s my cousins Florentz & Anna. They drove to Nicktown to attend the 8:00 am Mass but quickly found out, there was no Mass today, so they visit us instead. Kathy quickly runs back to the bathroom & changes out of her nightgown.

We both made sure we didn’t get up-close & personal during their visit….since I’m pretty sure we are still carriers of that bad bug. We chat for over an hr & agree to get together @ another time for more talk time. As they are leaving, Kathy excuses herself & makes haste to the bathroom; you can probably guess why. Besides the obvious she was extremely dizzy and then cold. She remains horizontal for the rest of the morning, wearing a sweater & covered with (3) blankets; I help out whenever she calls me.

During Kathy’s resting time, I notify the electric company that we are now on the meter & using those kilowatts. The girl told me the meter reader will be in your neighborhood either tomorrow or Thursday. Our lunch consisted of tea & toast.

Kathy encourages me to call a local doctor & try to get on his patient list. His secretary will check with him & call us back in a day or two. For several yrs we have tried to get on his list but it was locked out; no new patients being taken in.

Melissa calls to report that Kevin left the University early yesterday afternoon with that Flu Bug.....then early Tuesday morning, the bug finally caught up with her. Kevin stayed home today because he had not yet recovered; It’s a good thing since Melissa was up during the night suffering with nausea & vomiting and didn’t get much sleep. It’s a BAD bug!

Our dinner: Chicken broth and saltine crackers.

Late movie: “Alice Adams” with Katharine Hepburn, Fred MacMurray, Fred Stone, Evelyn Venable, Ann Shoemaker, etc. Excellent small-town Americana with social-climbing girl finally finding love in a person of unpretentious MacMurray. The dinner table scene is unforgettable. 1935. This story was great!

High temp=78 Lights out:12:00 midnight

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