Sunday 22 April 2007

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 60 sleep 6+20 sunny overnight @ West Memphis, Arkansas.

Kathy calls Denny & Annette & makes plans for a rendezvous later this week. Then she calls our ole neighbors, Bud & Jean. When they understand that we are in town….so to speak, they invite us over for a visit.

En route to their house, we ride past our old house where we lived for 11 yrs. It looks real good from what we could see: a new white metal fence up near the house; another large garage behind the house; a clean & manicured yard, etc. We were happy to see it being taken care of. Also the neighborhood is looking healthier; (2) new large homes have been built since we moved to Alaska.

Both Jean & Bud look healthy, happy, & lively. They sure don’t look their age; Bud is 81 and Jean is not far behind him. They continue to take trips in their motorhome, Bud still plays around talking with his amateur radio buddies, & Jean is a busy volunteer plus doing all her own housework. We sit in the den & update each other for over an hour & then their 2nd oldest boy, Bill, & his wife arrive for a visit. Then we talk for another hour. It was a good reunion with our former neighbors.

Then K & I have a pizza & beer @ the Exlines “Best Pizza in Town” restaurant on Austin Peay Hwy. During the 80’s, our family would patronize this place @ least twice a month. Their pizza is still pretty good, tho it can’t compare to the Moose’s Tooth in Anchorage. We return to our campground before 9:00pm.

High temp=79 Lights out: 11:38pm

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