Saturday 5 May 2007

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Awake: 6:32am Temp 49 sleep 6+10 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

We both slept well in our mini campground; so quiet & spacious. It does feel good to be back again. We start the day off by attending a Communion Service @ our Saint Nicholas Church & then, we attend the Koffee Klub meeting @ the community center for 1.3 hrs; pretty good size group gathered this morning which I’m sure, had nothing to do with our arrival back in town; we did get quite a few “welcome back” greetings however.

After the meeting was over, we pickup our Nicktown mail from the local post office & then return to our home-on-wheels.

After breakfast, we make a call to Melissa; she would like a visit from us today. Customarily, I like to have myself organized & have the coach organized before I begin the visiting program. Kathy has all of her clothes drawers lined with felt & organized. I have maybe (5) finished. So I make a deal that we visit with them tomorrow afternoon & besides, I want to attend tonight’s vigil Mass @ 6:00pm here in town.

I spend about (2) hrs all together taking “stuff” from one drawer @ a time; Kathy cut the felt to match the drawer & then after perusing the stuff in each drawer, I decide what to get rid of and what to keep.

We chat with Katrina, who, of course, is driving her car. She is going home after spending (5) hrs with the young girl, Karina, & her younger brother. I cut my talk time a little short & begin setting up the well water for use in our motorhome.

K & I walk to the Nicktown Church for the Sunday vigil Mass. We talk with a few of our cousins outside after the Mass is over.

While Kathy prepares dinner, I make a run to our nearest grocery store, “BiLo Foods,” (3) miles to buy milk.

8:05 dinner: Leftover meatloaf, gravy & fried rice & salad.

Lights out: 12:32am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 10, 2007 2:20 PM.

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