Saturday 28 April 2007

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Awake: 6:45am Temp 55 sleep 6+47 light rain….then sunny overnight @ Goodlettsville, Tennessee.

Kathy uses our Lady Garmin GPS to seek out a church for tomorrow’s early travel plan.

My Sister Corinne calls from Lilly, PA. Her college is out for the summer season; she will be visiting her office but not be as super busy as when school is in session.

My brother Don calls: He & Josie are in Maryland visiting their daughter Kelly Jo & their family. He was packing the car getting ready for the return trip to PA tomorrow.
Then Kathy calls Melissa & they have a long chat.

Next, K & I drive our Suzuki on the Long Hollow Pine Road to the outskirts of the town of Gallatin & spend the remainder of the afternoon & evening visiting with Helen M. & her (2) boys, Samuel & Andrew, & their respective wives & children. We were “across the street” neighbors of the M family in Raleigh, TN for 9 years during the 80’s. Samuel and especially Andrew were part of our family and spent a lot of time playing with our 3 older children. Since we haven’t seen the family since 1989, we had a great time reminiscing and catching up on our lives.

Helen gave us a grand tour of her home which she planned and architecturally designed. She has every reason to be proud of this beautiful 5,000+ sq ft, well built, tastefully decorated home built on property that has been in her family over 100 years.

Helen lost her husband, Larry, to cancer about a year after the house was finished; fortunately their (2) boys live nearby & visit frequently with their wives & children. While Helen does all of her own house cleaning plus substitute teaching several days a week, Samuel & Andrew help her with some of the outdoor chores and indoor repairs.

Andrew is a country dentist in the county near his home in Hartsville, @ 10 min from Helen. Samuel, a bit farther away in Nashville, calls himself the dirt doctor; he has a PhD in agriculture & teaches @ a local university + 2 courses on-line. He also has an independent business in agriculture.

Samuel & Andrew both married well. Samuel’s wife, Autumn, has her PhD in Nutrition & heads an internship program in nutrition; they have 3 children, Ellen, Catherine, & Levi. Andrew’s wife, Celena, is a pharmacist; they have 2 girls, Abigail & Elizabeth. We enjoyed meeting & spending time with their wives & children. They all contributed to our delicious buffet supper of pulled pork, beans, cold slaw, & potatoes plus a choice of frozen pies for dessert. Very nice families!

We say our goodbyes around 8:00pm & stopped @ a Publix grocery store for milk & yogurt en route to our campground. Back @ our campground, I call another one of our retired pilots, G.W. from FDX & leave a message that we are going to be in his neighborhood tomorrow & would like to pay him & his wife & daughter a visit.

Lights out: 11:37pm

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