Wednesday 18 April 2007

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Awake: 4:45am Temp inside 66 sleep 5+12 sunny overnight @ Newell service bay.

During our trans-loading & organizing, Kathy culled out numerous sweaters, blouses, slacks, etc from her closet collection. This morning, she is @ the thrift store in Miami donating those items & casually looking around for a few replacements.

About 10:30am, a FDX envelope arrived containing the title for our 2001 motorhome. Thanks Melissa & Kevin. I waste little time in getting this title to Sally the Comptroller.

Meanwhile, our new coach is getting a few updates before we drive it away, hopefully that will be tomorrow.

@ 3:00pm, Pam the cleaner visits & spends over (2) hrs cleaning anything & everything inside our motorhome.

Dinner: pork lo mein, broccoli, corn off the cob, salad, & bread.

Evening movie: “Brute Force” with Burt Lancaster, Hume Cronyn, Charles Bickford, Yvonne De Carlo, Ann Blyth, etc. Tingling, hard-bitten prison film with its few clichés punched across solidly. Brutal captain Cronyn is utterly despicable, but you know he’s going to get it in the end. 1947. Somewhat of an insider’s look @ the lives of cellmates with the dialogue & flashbacks. We liked this movie.

Lights out: 11:48pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 26, 2007 11:21 PM.

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