Sunday 1 April 2007

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Awake: 6:26am Temp 59 sleep 5+54 sunny overnight @ Tyler, TX.

I call Harold in Lake Kiowa mid morning to confirm that we will be leaving Tyler around noon time. He asks that we give a call when we turn onto I-35.

We leave the # 1 RV Park @ 12:05pm; driving on US 69….I-20….I-80….I-635….I-35; when we turn onto I-35, we give Harold a call: he advises us to exit on Lone Oak Road & use our GPS from there. He figures we are an hr out yet but will be waiting @ the security gate to get us through & lead us to his home & driveway for parking.

Sure enough, Harold is waiting outside the security gate; tells me to stay in the right lane because it is a wider passage, notifies the guard that we are visitors & we follow Harold another (2) miles to his home arriving @ 3:28pm.

Today’s travel: 3+33 time 175 miles 22 gal used 7.9 mpg 52 mph avg speed.

Harold & Kathy watch me closely as I back onto his driveway….giving hand signals when necessary. Of particular importance was the roof overhang of the garage which I had no vision of so Harold was right on top of that handicap. He purposely had his driveway reinforced with (5) inches of concrete with lots of rebar. 50 amps & good water was available a few feet from our coach.

Harold gave us a home tour to begin with, showed us a few family pictures & then we settled down in his small bar room, had some spirits with healthy snacks & gabbed away. About (30) minutes later, he introduced us to Charlie & Coco (dogs) who treated us like burglars until they finally realized we were OK. In fact, Harold purposely kept them in their little doggie pens for that amount of time so they would be less aggressive. In about an hr, they were our buddies & that’s without accidentally dropping any goodies onto the floor.

We sat in his bar room, snacked & talked for hours. Since we had snacked so much we weren’t esp hungry but felt we should have some “good” food. Kathy made a large, fresh salad and Ivar’s clam chowder. Since we were so comfortable we just stayed where we were and ate our salad and soup. It was after 11:00 when it suddenly occurred to us that maybe Harold would like to get some sleep tonight. Anyway, we were off to a good start for more casual visiting.

High travel temp=83 Lights out: 12:01am

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