Tuesday 6 March 2007

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Awake: 5:02am Temp 39 sleep 5+53 mostly sunny overnight @ Fredericksburg, TX.

Again, the (4) of us ride into town & then, starting @ 9:00am, tour the National Museum of WWII Pacific War displays. This was the most complete & best displayed account covering the pre-war period on through the Japanese surrender that I have ever experienced. Gary & I were both dedicated to reading nearly every plaque that was before us. By the time we finished the main section, our brains were exhausted & we were worn out from all the fighting, killing & devastation throughout the Pacific theater. Over (4) hrs of concentrated reading; what an experience! I loved it & hated it @ the same time. We had to get out of there; we had had enough. Grace and Kathy finished in a little over 3 hours and took in some of the outside displays.

Now we are hungry, thirsty & looking for the girls. Gary calls Grace on her cell phone & we join up, walk across the street & have lunch @ the Auslander restaurant. Kathy & I each have a Dunkel draft & share a Rueben sandwich + a bowl of chicken soup. Next we visit the Fredericksburg Winery (2) blocks away. G & G liked the wine they had yesterday so they bought (6) more bottles. The wine steward was delighted to see us again.

From here, we ride 17 miles (one way) to the Enchanted Rock State Park. No charge for entering for us because of our one year membership with the Texas State Parks. For exercise & fresh air, we climb right up to the top of this granite rock; elevation change, 1800 feet. The climb was good; our heart rates rose & we got our cool down on top with a welcome breeze. We need to do more of this physical activity.

Back in town, Kathy makes a quick buy @ the Five & Dime Store, then a stop @ Ace Hardware for Gary, then we return to our campground.

While I shrink the bus for tomorrow’s travel, Kathy & Grace do some last minute grocery shopping @ the nearby HEB store.

7:20pm Dinner in our respective campers: leftover Minestrone soup, veggies & mixed salad.

High temp=69 Lights out: 12:09am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 13, 2007 5:41 AM.

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