Sunday 11 March 2007

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Awake: 7:19am Temp 61 sleep 6+05 cloudy overnight @ Cedar Creek, TX.

Leave the Hwy 71 RV Park @ 9:55am…..US-71 to La Grange, then US-77 to I-10 to our destination campground. G & G elect to take a side trip from La Grange.

Arrive @ the Motor Coach RV Park in Weimar, TX @ 11:23am. Today’s travel: 75 miles 1+28 time 10 gal used 7.5 mpg 51.4 avg speed. G & G arrive 1.5 hrs later.

In the campground, Gary & I & later Kathy, visit full timers Don & Jan. He tows a huge trailer behind their Allure Country Coach that sparks Gary’s interest. Inside the trailer; a Jeep & car, motorcycle, (2) bikes, several pairs of skies, etc. Up front of the trailer are lockers & cabinets. Impressive!

After that tour, we (4) watch the Las Vegas NASCAR race using our TV antenna. The picture was weak & snowy. Kathy & Grace provide some healthy snacks: Cheese, crackers, fresh veggies with dip & drinks. After the race, we stumble upon the movie: “Cat Woman.” We unanimously voted that flick as being.....not so good. G & G return to their motorhome.

Katrina calls later: she has questions for Kathy about food.

High travel temp=75 Lights out: 12:01am

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