Saturday 24 March 2007

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Awake: 6:38am Temp 68 sleep 6+38 sunny overnight @ Galveston Island, TX.

We both talk with Melissa & hear more about their trip to Germany, Berlin, Munich, etc.

While Kathy is talking to Melissa, I read Kevin’s Blog on our website to learn more about their travels. Well done Kevin.

We have to move from our site before 2:00pm……then if there are any campsites available, we’ll be assigned another site. I park the bus along the service road @ 1:45, check with the Park Rangers & just then, the fellow in line ahead of me had to leave early & is checking out. I was assigned his campsite. This is good; now we’ll stay another day & possibility start heading north on Sunday.

Our new campsite is a mere 100 ft or less from the Gulf of Mexico with lots of salt air coming our way. And a beautiful view of the continually crashing ocean waves.

K & I have an early dinner: Italian beef sandwich (beef & sweet peppers from Johnnies in Chicago) & a mixed salad. Then we attend 7:00pm Mass @ Mary, Star of the Sea, (a mission church of St. Peter’s, downtown) on San Luis Pass Road in the small town of Jamaica Beach. (FM3005).

Late movie: “The Clerks” with Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Lisa Spoonauer, Kevin Smith, etc. Smith is a brash, foul-mouthed, often very funny look @ a day in the lives of a New Jersey convenience store clerk & his abrasive pal, who mans the video place next door….when he feels like it. 1994. Definitely not for children or adults sensitive to uncouth language.

High temp=73 Lights out: 12:04am

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