Saturday 17 March 2007

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Awake: 7:00am Temp 52 sleep 6+13 sunny overnight @ San Felipe, TX.

Before breakfast, Gary & I walk the campground for an hr of exercise.

@ 10:00am, the (4) of us ride into the big city of Houston following Jay’s written by rote instructions to avoid heavy traffic; destination: the Houston Museum of Natural Science. It was a (2) hr + drive to the museum.

Spring Break is still alive & well….so our timing was not good. We did ok though, in spite of all the little kid traffic. The girls really enjoyed the stuffed wild animal display the best. I liked the simulated graphics showing the upgraded technology of finding & getting oil from around the world. I sort of forgot to ask what Gary liked the best.

We lunch @ McDonald’s inside the museum….a 20 min wait in line. We toured most all of the exhibits on all (3) levels save for the extra cost for the I-Max theater, the Frog show, & the butterfly exhibit.

@ 5:00pm, we agree to walk around outside for awhile & visit the Sam Houston statue + the large western painted boot display on the museum grounds. Then a bright idea came to us as it was getting dark: why not attend an early evening Mass along the way en route back to our state park campground. Not as easy as we thought; even G & G with their keen minds & clever thinking came too late for evening Masses. However, the back seat girls did select a great dinner spot along the way: Los Cucos Seafood in Katy. K & I have separate meals of filet & tuna steaks. We had to ask for a doggy bag, the meal was too much & most worthy of saving for another time. The miles were many but the company we enjoyed made it seen like few.

High temp=low 70’s Lights out: 12:07am

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