Wednesday 14 February 2007

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Awake: 7:00am Temp 48 sleep 6+45 high overcast overnight @ Mission, TX.

K & I wish each other a “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Then we do 30 min of exercise with Gilad on Fit TV.

I still haven’t received the leveling system schematic from Joe @ HWH, I give him a call. He tells me it was sent out last Tuesday. Then we talk about our old intermittent Module. Joe tells me he & the head engineer have been doing some research on our motorhome & its computer leveling system. Joe suggests that I go ahead & take the old Module out, replace it with the new one, plug everything in that I can…..turn on the ignition key & report back to him. I’ve been reluctant to swap Modules because the new Module they had sent me has a receptacle with a 12 pin plug & my old Module has an 8 pin plug. I tell Joe I’ll call him as soon as I'm finished with his instructions.

Meanwhile, Kathy drives to the nearest HEB grocery store for needed dinner supplies. While she is away, I check off my credit card charges against the statement.

About 3:15pm, Gary & Grace move their motorhome into our “C” street neighborhood; now they are only 5 sites away.

After visiting with Grace & Gary @ their new campsite, I install the new Module from HWH that has one receptacle that I can’t use. As I am putting my tools away from the job, Kathy arrives & answers a phone call; it’s Joe. He wants to know “what happened when I turned the ignition key on?” “Nothing” I told him. Both he & the engineer were delighted to hear that. Now the next step: they will ship by (UPS) a new “gray 8 pin plug” that I can use in a gray socket & a wiring diagram to change the wiring from the green plug to the gray plug. Wow! I like it.

7:30 dinner for 4: Kathy’s homemade chili, whole wheat elbow noodles & corn muffins. Gary won’t know the results of yesterday’s tests until Monday. Meanwhile, tonight he is scheduled for a sleep apnea test so they can’t hang around too long after dinner.

Late satellite movie: “Free Enterprise” with William Shatner, Rafer Weigel, Eric McCormack, etc. Long-time friends & major sci-fi movie & TV buffs McCormack & Weigel are stunned to be befriended by William Shatner. 1999. If you are a Star Trek fan, this is the movie for you. Kathy was beamed up & then beamed out.

High temp= 51 Lights out: 11:56pm

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