Thursday 8 February 2007

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Awake: 7:14am Temp 63 sleep 7+10 mostly sunny overnight@ Mission, TX.

K & I exercise for 30 min with Gilad on Fit TV.

After breakfast, I gather my house cleaning equipment: 20 ft hose; telescoping brush; Windex surface sprayer & Windex, climb the ladder & it’s time to clean house. About (2) hrs later, I am finished with the roof. Enough for today; the sun is strong & the temp is rising.

Sometime early afternoon, Kathy asks me: "is our leveling system working OK now?" "Sure" I tell her. "I fixed it on Monday. In fact, I'll give you a demonstration." Well, it failed the demonstration. Then I remembered Joe's words: It could be an intermittent problem. Now the leveling system has my attention again. Back to the Module, I take some voltage readings, move the plugs in & out & it's working once more. Then I demonstrate to Kathy that, yes, it is working. Joe told me he will send that schematic & I am looking forward to having more information on that system.

Mid afternoon, K & I take (4) quarters & (4) empty gallon jugs, walk to the office & fill our jugs with “reverse osmosis” water from their machine. We have found the well water, city water, etc not comfortable for us to drink in the mid & southern regions of Texas; too much sodium chloride. So in lieu of using up all our drinking water from Nicktown, we choose to pay the 25 cents per gallon & drink the reverse osmosis water. It actually tastes okey.

7:00pm dinner: Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad & toast.

Larry calls from San Diego; I had to announce a change of plans for our rendezvous in June due to Melissa’s pregnancy & delivery due date in late July/early August.

Evening movie: “Tender Mercies” with Robert Duvall, Tess Harper, Allan Hubbard, Betty Buckley, etc. A winning but extremely low-key film about a country singer who finds the inspiration to put his life back together when he meets an attractive young widow & her little boy. 1983. Casual, slow but still an OK flick.

High temp=77 Lights out: 11:57pm

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