Saturday 27 January 2007

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Awake: 6:06am Temp 53 sleep 5+59 periods of sunshine overnight @ Falcon, TX.

K & I exercise 30 min with Gilad on Fit TV.

I drive to Park Headquarters & make numerous cell phone calls checking on campgrounds in the Mission, TX area. Our # 1 priority is getting our Suzuki roadworthy; 2nd priority: getting our leveling system back in business.

During my jaw exercising routine, Kathy does (4) loads of laundry.

Mid afternoon, we walk 30 + min around a section of the park searching for different species of birds. Again, we can hear them singing away but difficult to see them.
Before reentering our coach, our near neighbor, Bob & his wife, Viv, invite us to watch them fold up their new row boat called: Porta-Bote. The maximum capacity is (3) persons or 485 lbs. An ingenious idea; it advertises being folded up in 15 min & they proved that to us. I couldn’t help noticing from inside our motorhome that they were still storing other parts of that row boat: seats, oars, misc items, etc, an hr later (in all fairness tho, they had spent some time talking with another camping couple). The boat itself was slipped into a canvas sack & looked like a surf board when the process was finished. Then they tied it down on the roof of their motorhome.

My sister, Mary Jo, calls from Lodi, CA & I was able to talk inside our motorhome for 20 some minutes. At the moment, the sky is clear; perhaps that is allowing those cell signals to travel a little further. I will say though, holding the cell phone in one critical spot in the front passenger seat was essential to staying connected.

Since we ate a late lunch & took a walk in the park, our dinner tonight consisted of healthy snacks of cheese and popcorn while watching a double feature movie.

# 1 movie: “Manchurian Candidate” with Frank Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Janet Leigh, Angela Lansbury, Henry Silva, etc. A tingling political paranoia thriller about strange aftermath of a Korean war hero’s decoration & his mother’s machinations to promote her Joseph McCarthy-like husband’s career. 1962. Without a doubt, this story is eerie & definitely a thriller. Do find a seatbelt for your easy chair.

# 2 movie: “The Spy who came in from the Cold” with Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, Oskar Werner, Peter Van Eyck, George Voskovec, etc. A potent account of a Cold War spy’s existence---minus glamorous trappings of movie cliché. 1965. Another thriller…but unless you have some FBI, CIA or spy experience, you might seriously consider watching this flick twice!

High temp=71 Lights out: 12:14am

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