Friday 16 February 2007

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Awake: 5:20am Temp 37 sleep 5+44 sunny overnight @ Mission, Texas.

30 min of exercise for both of us with our man Gilad.

Kathy & Grace drive over to the Mission West campground where we spent a week about (2) weeks ago. They are browsing the arts & craft display + buying some fresh veggies from a Mexican farmer. Meanwhile Gary honored me with an invitation to go with him to find a hardware store in town. He buys a few things for his Georgie-Boy motorhome.

Early afternoon Zack calls: yes, we have another son. He’s pretty busy but hasn’t forgotten us…yet! His new phone, the Blue Tooth, must be quite sensitive though, as we could hear all the street noises in town as he walked to work. That’s right; he walked to work for the 1st time….. & reports it wasn’t so bad. Being the designated driver last night, his car stayed @ in the parking garage near his work. Zack appears to be doing just great.

About 4:20pm, Gary & Grace bring their friends Skip & Ginger over to our campsite. Skip was employed by Gary for 15 yrs & just retired January 6th when we attended both Grace & Skip’s retirement party in eastern Pennsylvania. Skip & Ginger are work camping in Alamo, TX (20 min away) this winter & living in their motorhome. We sit outside & chat until the sun sets, then move inside our motorhome for at least another hr.

Later, in two cars, we all go to dinner @ the Santa Fe Steakhouse in McAllen. An excellent dinner, terrific company & conversation; Kathy & I share a filet steak dinner and wine. We say our goodbyes to Ginger & Skip for now & plan on seeing them again before we move further north.

Late evening movie: “Diva” with Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fermandez, Frederic Andrei, Richard Bohringer, etc. Music loving mailman bootleg-tapes the concert of a superstar diva who has never made a recording, finds himself in even hotter water when his possession is mixed up with a second tape that will incriminate gangsters. 1982. French with English subtitles. I liked it but Kathy chooses not to get involved; reading in the bedroom instead.

High temp=58 Lights out: 12:15am

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