Thursday 11 January 2007

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Awake: 5:25am Temp 63 sleep 6+23 partly sunny overnight @
Aransas Pass, TX.

It feels good to sleep in our own bed again & we are sleeping in the same
bed---together. Kathy’s wheezing & snorting due to her sinus condition
has not made any recognizable progress. However, she thinks it is a viral
condition rather than bacterial.

After breakfast, Kathy heads to the nearby HEB grocery store to replenish
our food supply. While she is shopping, I spend time going through &
sorting some more of our mail; checking off credit card receipts & filing
papers. Around 10:00am, my cousin Roger calls from Harlingen, TX. We have
a nice chat, updating each other on our recent retirement activities.

Early afternoon, I begin getting our motorhome ready for travel by
removing some things I had stored in the engine compartment during our
trip to PA; then making a check on all the motorhome tires for proper air
pressure + other little inspections.

Next, K & I attend the traditional 4:00 pm social hr @ the club house. The
pool playing sharks wasted no time in inviting me to join their group.
That was nice. I did notice however, that the usual sharks were not
running the table as before…, at least for today, the duffers were
playing quite well. Hmm.

6:30 dinner: Pacific salmon, asparagus in a Boursin cheese sauce & a salad.

Evening movie: “Enduring Love” with Daniel Craig, Rhys Ifans, Samantha
Morton, etc. After college professor Joe Rose (Craig) witnessed a fatal
hot-air balloon accident, his disorientation & widening alienation from
his girlfriend (Morton) are further complicated when a fellow witness
contacts & begins desperately shadowing him. 2004. Kathy didn’t much care
for this movie, but after it was over, she had a few questions. I am
suspicious that she was too relaxed! Not recommended for children.

High temp=72 Lights out: 10:40pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 15, 2007 6:08 PM.

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