Saturday 30 December 2006

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Awake: 6:23am Temp 27 sleep 6+01 mostly sunny overnight @
Indiana, PA.

We eat breakfast early, call Melissa & leave a message that we will be
visiting people around Nicktown most of the day. Then we speed eastward in
our attempt to be on time for 8:00 Mass @ Saint Nicholas church…..arriving
@ 7:55am. Good job, we comment to each other, but where are the cars? Then
we find out: Mass was canceled that day. Fortunately we met Al & Donna
coming out of their driveway, so we quickly turned the future idle time to
good use by getting started @ our conference room table with the Koffee
Klub news & update. (7) of us gab (but no gossip) for nearly (3) hrs. It
was good to get reacquainted with some of the koffee gang members again.

Then a trip to the local post office for our local mail, followed by lunch
@ Rolands Café just 2.5 miles away. Next we top off our Suzuki fuel tank
@ Sheetz, drive back to Nicktown & visit “Waterfalls Road” where the fresh
spring waters have never stopped running. There we fill our 13 plastic 1
gallon jugs full of this drinking water to be used in areas where we are
not comfortable with the local water during our travels.

Next we visit Herm & Rosemary; longtime, close friends of my parents. One
of their daughters, Dorothy, & her husband, Mark, & youngest son, Paul,
were visiting and we happily joined them. We have a good hour chat session
with a small percentage dedicated to reminiscing about those “good ole

Then we drive ½ mile down the road & visit my 1st cousin Bernie, Ethel, &
her daughter, Sharon. I brought my computer along to give them a long
awaited slide show of our 2005 Asian Pacific Cruse. We had planned to have
this showing on our motorhome’s plasma TV but that plan fell apart when
the TV failed last Sept. So for now, they seemed somewhat happy that we
didn’t forget about them.

After that “really good show,” we drive another 1.5 miles & attend the
Rosary service & vigil Mass @ Prince of Peace Catholic Chapel in Spangler.
After Mass, we spend a few extra minutes yakking with one of my ole high
school classmates, Don, & his wife, Mary Ann. I do believe Don P. & I are
beginning to look like twins now that we sport a similar hair style.

Now we have to get serious about food: we have snacked with Herm &
Rosemary + Bernie, Ethel & Sharon, but more healthy food would be best. We
drive to Clymer (18 miles) to Luigi’s where we are told: “It will be a 50
min to an hr wait.” The waiting areas are packed; its 7:30 & the aromas
from this Italian restaurant are tantalizing us. A sneak peek into the
large bar area shows more waiting customers. Ahaa, but an idea develops: I
ask one of the bartenders if one can order food from the kitchen & eat @
the bar? “Yes sir!” he replies & as the saying goes, the rest is a full
stomach. We shared a Sweet Sausage over linguini dinner meal with salad.
Excellent! By the way, more couples begin to copy our strategy before we
had finished.

Melissa had left a message on our cell phone that I finally picked up mid
evening: she called @ 8:30am to tell us that Matthew was requesting our
company for 2 hrs of playtime as he was lonely now, had no one to play
with because everyone has gone. Oh, sorry; tomorrow Matthew.

High temp=? Lights out: 12:03am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 3, 2007 4:42 PM.

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