Monday 15 January 2007

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Awake: 6:00am Temp 43 sleep 6+18 lots of rain & strong winds
overnight @ Sinton, Texas.

This nice lady I have been hanging around with for a long time & who has
lived in Alaska for 14 yrs, flatly refused to take a walk around the
campground for exercise this morning in between rain squalls. What do you
think of that?! Well, I showed her & I did it; then I returned to our warm
motorhome & sat close to the heater for the next hr or better.

It was a “stay in the coach” kind of day. Reading magazines & novels; some
computer usage + every now & then, tune in the weather channel for updates
on the Texas weather.

5:45 dinner: Stuffed peppers with spinach salad.

Mid evening: Satellite movie: “Of mice & men” with John Malkovich, Gary
Sinise, Alexis Arquette, Sherilyn Fenn, Joe Morton, etc. A hauntingly
poignant adaptation of John Steinbeck’s melancholy study of Depression-era
California migrant workers. John Malkovich steals the film as the hulking
Lenny, an inarticulate simpleton equally fascinated by puppies & pretty
girls. 1992. A superb story. Don’t miss it!

Elevation 47 ft Today’s high=44 Lights out: 12:00 midnight

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