Tuesday 26 December 2006

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Awake: 7:23am Temp 36 sleep 6+49 light rain overnight @
Indiana, PA.

1st thing this morning, I upload more of our photos to our
photos.kirsch.org web site. After breakfast in our room, we take the
latest grocery call list from Kevin, hit the local Wal-Mart, Marvin’s & PA
State Liquor for more cheap wine & arrive @ the Foote house with the goods
@ 12:05pm. I could clearly detect a familiar voice when entering: It’s my
sister Sister Corinne from Lilly. I give her my BEST “Merry Christmas” hug
possible without passing on any of my cootie bugs.

@ the large Foote library table & from the echoes in the kitchen, some
interesting discussions are building: relating to how sensitive the K & M
family are to welcoming a new boyfriend or girlfriend into our elite
family network. Melissa feels strongly that we should skip the body
search, “X” ray machine, metal detector & 20 personal questions & simply
accept anyone, wholly based on the good common sense of the Kirsch child
that is bringing in his/her new friend of choice. This highly
controversial discussion lasted for over an hr & could have gone longer. I
think my sister Sister rather enjoyed being privy to such delicate &
exclusive hot topics of the M & K enterprises. Corinne leaves around

Zack readies himself for driving to the Pittsburgh airport to pick up his
girlfriend, Katie….coming in from Chicago. Not being too familiar with the
BIG city of PIT, I let Zack use our Lady Garmin GPS to make his journey
more comfortable. After Zack leaves, Kathy gives Nick a haircut with Eriko
watching & making mental notes so she can cut her husband’s hair with
their very own hair clippers which they received as a Christmas gift.

Dinner tonight is staggered as we each choose our own time & selection of
leftover plates. The young Foote boys eat around 5:00pm; Nick’s family
around 6:30pm; Kathy, Katrina, Melissa & I around 7:00pm. Kevin started
with the young boys around 5:00 but distraction & chores stretched his
meal out to after 7:00pm.

Later Zack calls from PIT: Katie’s luggage was over an hr late! Then they
discovered that they were watching & waiting @ the wrong carousel. A short
while later, Zack calls & wants the address of Bocktown Beer & Grill where
Kathy & I ate @ Dec. 17.

Later this evening, Nick demos to us how to send photos on line from our
Kirsch web site.

High temp=46 Lights out: 12:15am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 31, 2006 9:00 AM.

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