Saturday 16 December 2006

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1st awake @ 3:30am (noisy people across the hall), took me awhile to get
back to sleep. 2nd awake: 5:15am sleep……less than 5+50
weather=foggy, then later: sunny overnight @ Cottondale/Tuscaloosa,

Complimentary breakfast @ the hotel was ok…..mostly cereal & coffee.
Again we store our perishables in the hotel’s refer for the night & then
make the transfer in the morning.

Leave the Cottonwood/Tuscaloosa area @ 7:11am. It’s very foggy for the
next 2.0 + hrs but, traffic flow was close to normal. I-20 continues to be
smooth until entering Georgia & then we were roughed up a little in our
short wheel base Suzuki.

Entering the town of Winchester, Kentucky, we spot a Catholic church just
before 5:30pm & stop to maybe attend the vigil Mass tonight. No, Mass had
started @ 5:00pm so we’ll plan on the 8:30am tomorrow. Darkness has
fallen, so in lieu of driving around to find a hotel, I ask one of the
local policemen about lodging in town. He talks about the area of (5)
hotels. Hampton Inn is our 1st check: the clerk gives us a price; I thank
her & we begin to walk away. Then she mentions that this price includes a
hot dinner tonight, breakfast tomorrow morning & high speed
Internet…..whoa boy…..we back up & sign in for the night.

Today’s travel: 488 miles 9 + hrs. 4 stops en route: 2 for state
maps (Georgia & Kentucky) & 2 for fuel. We snacked a little along the way
on sourdough pretzels.

Our room was spacious & very nice; the king bed very comfortable with many
pillows. 7:15pm dinner: hot vegetable soup and meatballs, cheese & fruit.

Lights out? I forgot to look @ the clock.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 22, 2006 12:29 PM.

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