Wednesday 1 November 2006

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Awake: 5:09am Temp 44 sleep 5+52 cloudy overnight @ Newell campsite.

K & I attend the 9:00am Mass @ Sacred Heart church for All Saints Day.
Back in our bus, I call Bax Global in Arizona & ask: what happened to our
pickup? The person I talk with doesn’t know but schedules another pickup
for today between 1:00pm & 5:00pm.

After breakfast, I walk over to the Newell office & check for any personal
mail…none. Sam & I, & later BIG John, get into a discussion that lasts for
over an hr.

Kathy spends more time using the high speed internet @ the customers lounge.

Melissa calls late afternoon: the deal is off with the Montessori lady
from Dallas. They spend time talking over the phone & ended the
conversation on good terms with the lady offering future help with her
schooling the boys @ home.

6:30 dinner: Beef & veggie stew with noodles & toast.

Evening satellite movie: “Waterdance” with Eric Stoltz, Wesley Snipes,
William Forsythe, Helen Hunt, etc. An affecting story of a young novelist
(Stoltz) who becomes paraplegic after a hiking accident & learns to adjust
in a multi-ethnic rehabilitation center. 1992. We liked this show.

High temp=54 Lights out: 10:44pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 4, 2006 12:53 PM.

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