Sunday 29 October 2006

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Awake: 6:24am Temp 47 sleep 6+24 sunny overnight @ Newell

Kathy & I start our house cleaning @ 8:30am. Due to numerous distractions
throughout the morning & afternoon; i.e. John helping Kathy with the
telescoping brush & soapy water; Russell & Dawn stopping by to chat about
motorhomes; John asking technical questions about our coach’s systems;
John volunteering to help clean up areas I hadn’t planned on; a 30 min
lunch break, etc. I finish the job “good enough” by 6:00pm. In our past
house cleaning ventures, we were able to do a good cleaning within 4 hrs.
This time however, we did a splendid job most casually & the fun overruled
the labored activity. Oh yes, Kathy took the Suzuki around back to a
shady spot & gave it a thorough cleaning as well. I was impressed!

7:30 dinner: Veal bratwurst and spaghetti squash with tomato basil sauce &
mixed salad.

Late Satellite movie: “Dead Calm” with Sam Neill, Nicole Kidman, Billy
Zane. A married couple, recovering from a family tragedy by spending some
time on their yacht @ sea, pick up a stranger who proceeds to terrorize
them. This full-blooded thriller is so skillfully acted & directed, it
enables you to gloss over its flaws… & forgive its slasher-movie-inspired
finale.1989 Not for children…..but if you do indulge, please hang onto
your seat.

High temp=78 Lights out: 10:45pm

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