Monday 27 November 2006

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Awake: 5:40am Temp 67 sleep 5+49 partly cloudy overnight @
Aransas Pass, Texas.

Kathy gets up early & accompanies me in talking with Ben (campground
manager), about leaving our coach here while we travel in our tow car
during the Christmas Holidays. Ben mentioned yesterday that only one site
was available in January, otherwise they are fully booked. We sign up &
Ben types the figures into the office computer.

We talk to Melissa before noon & share talk time. Their family is doing
fine; boys still keeping Melissa very busy.

Kathy does (3) laundry loads this morning including the bed sheets & then,
we make plans to go on a birding safari. The last time we went on a
birding safari, March 28, 2005 in Barnardo, New Mexico, we recorded one
rare bird called: “a sparrow.” Hey, you gotta start someplace.

After we load our safari gear into the Suzuki (binoculars, bird book,
digital camera, special hat, water bottles & a healthy snack), we are on
our way. Leaving the campground on Ransom Ave, drive to Commercial Street,
then Goodnight Ave, over the Dale Miller Little Big bridge & on the other
side, drive onto the Stedman Island beach area where we start watching for
birds, start watching for birds, start watching for birds, etc. During our
1.5 hrs time & driving in different areas on both sides of the island, we
sighted 5 different species of birds.

I find it easier to capture the birds on my digital camera that has a 12
power magnification lens & then later, casually identify the birds using
my Nat’l Geographic birding book. On our return trip, we check a few
winter mansions in the area of the Dale Miller Bridge overlooking the
Redfish bay & then some light shopping @ the local HEB grocery store
before returning to our bus @ 3:35pm.

4:00pm social hour; again, I enjoy the guys @ the pool table area. My
partner (Frank) was the dominate shooter for our wining 2 of 3 games that
we played. Frank carries his own cue stick.

7:00 dinner: “T” bone steak, baked potato, sautéed onion slices &
mushrooms + a spinach salad.

Late satellite movie: “Unhook the Stars” with Gena Rowland, Marisa Tomei,
Gerard Depardieu, Moira Kelly, etc. Rowlands, as a widow with grown
children, comes to the rescue of a flaky young neighbor & looks after her
little boy one day; soon the two develop a strong bond based on their
genuine need for each other. 1996. This is a sleeper. You don’t want to
miss it!
High temp=78 Lights out: 11:28pm

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