Monday 20 November 2006

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Awake: 6:32am Temp 41 sleep 7+50 sunny overnight @ Livingston, Texas.

Kathy walks to the Activity Center & joins the “Line Dancing” group @
8:00am for 1.0 hr of exercise.

I use this quiet time for watching the national news & reading some of my
Family Motor coaching magazine.

Mid afternoon, we take a 50 min walk around the campground for exercise &
to satisfy our curiosity. This is no ordinary campground: they have
private homes with large RV garages attached; 3 large areas of RV camping
+ an area for spouses staying in their RV while under assisted living
care, etc. After 50 min, we still didn’t cover all the roads in the
campground but we needed to get back so Kathy could start dinner.

5:15 dinner: Tuna steak, broccoli, brown rice & salad.

After dinner & before the dishes are washed, we walk to the Escapees Club
House with our near neighbors, Ron & Ann, to watch the featured film
tonight: “Cars” with popcorn provided by headquarters. The viewing room
was packed, the movie was delightful & the popcorn delicious. Although
“Cars” is an animated film, it was so well presented it was easy to
identify those cars as though they were people.

Today’s high temp=64 Lights out: 11:20pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 23, 2006 6:13 PM.

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