Friday 24 November 2006

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Awake: 5:51am Temp 49 sleep 6+15 some fog, then sunny
overnight @ Livingston, Texas.

Last Saturday, Kathy called her high school friend, Carol, & told her we
would like to accept her gracious invitation for Thanksgiving dinner @
their home on Thursday. “It’s too late,” Carol told Kathy. “We didn’t hear
from you guys so we accepted an offer with our son Chris & his girlfriend
for Thanksgiving @ their place.” Kathy apologized for us dragging our feet
but we just didn’t know if we would be this far south @ this time.

Anyway, Carol felt bad that we would be Thanksgiving-less & invited us for
a turkey dinner today…. & we accepted on the spot.

Driving the Suzuki, we leave the Livingston Rainbow’s End campground @
10:00am & drive non-stop for 2.5 hrs to Jay & Carol’s home in west
Houston, Texas. I didn’t remember their house @ all… has been over 30
yrs since we visited them last with our girls. Jay & Carol are retired
now; both look healthy & happy & have their own special interests and
hobbies. We are guided straight toward the back of their house to the
outside screened in patio. There we have some healthy snacks with wine &
start catching up with each others lives.

Our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner starts @ 3:40 pm with all the standard
condiments & trimmings included + fresh homemade pumpkin pie for dessert.
Carol is an excellent cook. After another g-r-e-a-t dinner, we adjourn
back to the outdoor patio & continue telling “lies” until the cool evening
air drives us inside. Carol’s 2 cats: “Murphy” & “Maggie” are the rulers
of the house & they were not so pleased that K & I had taken space on
their favorite chairs.

Later evening, we move into their den & peruse their son Chad’s wedding
album; then upon Kathy’s request, Carol produces her & Jay’s 1967 wedding
album; that brought on a lot of reminiscing.

These guys are too generous; they gave up their master bedroom suite for
us to spend the night; very nice of them. Kathy & I read in bed for an hr
before succumbing to sleep.

Lights out: 11:10pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 28, 2006 7:35 PM.

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