Wednesday 20 September 2006

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Awake: 5:09am Temp 49 sleep 5+55 light rain overnight @ Nicktown.

We drive to the community center, exercise for 1.3 hrs & then join the
Koffee Klub members for 50 min before attending the communion service by
Sister Lee. Father Pat was a no show?

@ 1:00pm, K & I volunteer to help Monica coordinate the blood donors for
the Red Cross crew today @ the church hall. Kathy works the canteen food
bar while I help guide the donors after they have given blood to walk over
to a table for food & drink. We are replaced @ 4:00pm.

6:35 dinner: Leftover meatloaf, whole wheat noodles, gravy, broccoli &
mixed salad.

I finish watching the P-38 fighter recovery from the Greenland Ice.
Fantastic story!

Kathy watches “Dancing with the Stars” TV show in between reading her novel.

Today’s high=63 Lights out: 10:46pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 24, 2006 7:37 AM.

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