Tuesday 5 September 2006

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Awake: 5:40am Temp 58 sleep 5+42 light rain….then clouds
Overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass, then join the Koffee Klub meeting for 1.2 hrs.

Late morning, I top off our pure water holding tank…..that takes some time
because I have to push 2 buttons, wait about 15 min or longer depending on
how empty the tank is, then push the 2 buttons again. The fill
automatically stops when the tank is full.

Mid afternoon, it’s my turn on the computer.

7:20 dinner: Leftover meatloaf, Italian sausage, whole wheat noodles &
mixed salad.

Call Gary & Grace: We ask how their daughter is doing? Gary replies: “They
transported her to the hospital & now she is back home, resting & doing
much better.”

We call Mark & Joan for their 42nd “Happy Anniversary.”

We started to watch the move: “Wild Strawberries” but we both had
difficulty staying awake. It’s a classic & it’s slow. I think we’ll try it
again some other night.

Today’s high=68 Lights out: 11:22pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 12, 2006 9:05 AM.

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