Thursday 24 August 2006

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Awake: 5:37am Temp 60 sleep 6+27 cloudy overnight @ the
Oskar Stoll farm

I start the 20 KW generator @ 6:00am which is called: “the quiet diesel”
but it still can be heard & wakes Kathy up. I was dreading the 8 mile
dusty dirt road to drive out on this morning, but what was good for us was
not for the farmers: it thundered & rained during the night. I think we
will make little dust.

We leave the Oskar Stoll farm parking spot @ 7:02am. As we are passing
Oskar’s house, we see Monica & Rene running outside to wave us goodbye. We
always have a lot of fun with these people; we will miss them.

The 8 mile dusty road was not dusty at all. As we drove south on hwy 83
toward the USA border, we could easily see a lot of darker clouds…..then
the rain began. Rain was with us until after we crossed into the USA.
Clearing customs was uncomplicated, requiring only a stop in the office
where our passports were checked and we filled out a “declaration of
goods” form. The custom agents were not interested in our previously
checked beef.

We arrive @ the Minot KOA campground @ 12:30pm. Today’s travel: 5+03 time
264 miles 32.5 gal used 8.1 mpg 53.6 avg speed.

It was our intention to pick up our Suzuki, get our forwarded mail & keep
on traveling. We found out that our mail hadn’t arrived yet, our Suzuki &
our wine undercover were in fine shape, but: that storm we experienced a
little of was on our tail & it was moving fast. We quickly transferred our
wine, hooked up the Suzuki, made the necessary checks & then…..stayed in
the campground for the night. Thunderstorms moved into our area, a lot of
rain, strong winds & wading pools of water could be seen throughout the
campground. It was best to just wait! We asked Sandy to simply forward our
mail on to Nicktown.

5:30 dinner: Tomato rice soup, spinach & lettuce salad.

It took a while for our TracStar to locate a satellite through the clouds
& precipitation, but finally it did. Tonight’s movie: “Maisie Was a Lady”
with Ann Sothern, Lew Ayres, Maureen O’Sullivan, etc. Maisie gets a job as
a maid to a family of bluebloods & straightens out their sorry personal
lives. 1944. We liked it! We could use a gal like her in today’s world.

High temp=68 Lights out: 10:15pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 5, 2006 2:42 PM.

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