Monday 28 August 2006

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Awake: 6:39am Temp 68 sleep 6+36 fog overnight @
Nicktown, PA.

It’s good to be back home again. We attend 8:00am Mass @ Saint Nicholas
Church here in Nicktown & then the Koffee Klub members give us a nice
“welcome back” greeting when we join them @ the big conference table in
the community center. After our meeting, we collect our twice forwarded
mail from Alaska. The rest of the morning & some of the afternoon, are
spent going thru our mail.

Later Kathy does a load of laundry using our tank water…..& during this
time, I make the connections necessary to use our well water.

My cousins, Florentz & Anna, make a short visit & bring us some of their
homegrown vegetables. We always look forward to this treat; we invite them
in for a glass of wine & some good talk. Florentz recites & we read 6 or 7
of his latest poems; he has written over 80 poems over a yrs time; they
are mostly logical, in the spirit of good living, & offer a message.

Then he updates me on the geothermal heating & cooling system in his home.
Everything is working except the hot water generator & the auto thermostat
he tells me.

As Florentz & Anna are leaving, Scott arrives; Kathy & I show him the lay
of our land. We agree to a get together on Monday, Labor Day.

7:25 dinner: Filet steak, baked potato, fresh homegrown corn on the cob &
mixed salad.

We talk with Katrina in Denver & wish her a “Bon Voyage.” She leaves
tomorrow for Italy to attend Kistinn’s wedding.

High temp=78 Lights out: 11:20pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 6, 2006 6:14 PM.

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