Friday 1 September 2006

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Awake: 5:45am Temp 56 sleep 6+00 cloudy, then rain
overnight @ Nicktown.

We attend 8:00 am Mass, then join the Koffee Klub afterward.

After breakfast, I prepare site # 2 in our circular drive for Gary &
Grace’s arrival tomorrow.

Late afternoon, Kathy & I go down to Spangler to the old “Holy Cross
School” which we Kirsch’s are renting for the night for our 5th annual 1st
cousins’ reunion. This will be our 1st time using this facility. Start
time is 5:30pm but we arrive early to help my sister, Corinne, with
setting up; she already had most of the set up organized & finished. 15
min later, the cousins began to arrive….several Kirsches, the Hoovers, the
Borns, Dumms, Neelans, etc. In all, there were close to 40 people
attending, incl. some of the younger set…our Melissa and her family, 2 of
the grown Hoover children, and 2 Dumm daughters. The covered food dishes
were outstanding & I came close to overeating. The desserts also made
their mark.

Our live entertainment began shortly after we were finished eating. 1st,
my sister Corinne recited our zodiac sign for each of our birthdays with
an elaboration of traits for that sign. That was followed by some oohs,
aahs, & denials & lots of laughter. Next up was our professional lyrics
cousin, Ralph. @ age 85, he continues to amaze us with his memory of good
stories, jokes & those awesome lyrics. Ralph then invited our cousin
Florentz to recite a few of his 80 some poems he has written + a few good
stories. It was another wonderful gathering of our 1st cousins.

The Foote family kept themselves occupied, keeping a close eye on Andrew,
who just recently found a high speed gear in his crawling transmission.
Matthew was busy exploring a new building; new things to look at.

It was around 9:30 when people began saying their goodbyes for now. We
voted to use this same building for next yrs 1st cousins’ gathering.
Corinne, Kathy & I left @ 10:00pm after tidying up after our group; some
of the cousins also helped with the cleanup.

High temp=65 Lights out: 11:13pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 8, 2006 3:05 PM.

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