Sunday 20 August 2006

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Awake: 7:00am Temp 63 sleep 6+00 a few clouds overnight @
Menoken, North Dakota.

We leave the Prairie Breeze RV Park @ 10:47am. Our smooth roads quickly
turn into bumpy roads now that we are on hwy 83 heading north. I admit we
became spoiled after many days of being a couple of smoothies.

Arrive @ the nearly empty Minot KOA campground @ 12:57pm. Today’s travel:
2+08 time 122 miles 14.6 gal used 8.4 mpg 56.8 avg

The note on the door read: “Pick out your own campsite, I will return @

“Perfect for us” we say to each other as we pick out our site. We want to
leave our Suzuki @ the campsite & simply drive our motorhome into Canada
for a few days. With no one around here @ this time, we trans-load our
wine & liquor supply into the Suzuki & then cover it up so it isn’t so
obvious. Later Kathy & I sit outside & have our habitual glass of wine
before dinner.

Then, we play another game of “horseshoes.” This time, a 10 pointer……we
both get a ringer, the game is close & I get lucky & win. Next time, we
will be playing the tie-breaker.

8:30 dinner: Pork chop, cauliflower with roasted peppers, brown rice,
spinach salad & bread. No satellite signals (too many trees), so we read
our respective novels in bed.

High temp=84 Elevation 1580 ft Lights out: 11:07pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 30, 2006 12:39 PM.

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