Thursday 20 July 2006

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Awake: 5:09am Temp 64 sleep 6+03 sunny overnight @ Portland, OR.

My buddy Ray drives up @ 6:35am. He started out this morning from Ocean
Park, WA @ 4:00am. In lieu of us driving over to Ocean Park to visit him,
he drove over to spend the day & visit with us. Since he was coming to
town anyway, he figured he might as well pick up his new Lincoln welder
this morning from his long time pal, Dennis.

Kathy is already awake so we both greet Ray outside, then Ray & I zoom off
toward the town of Gresham to find Dennis, who owns H & L Corp & gives Ray
a discount on the welder. After a nice chat session with Dennis, Ray & I
head to the Delta Park area & have breakfast @ Elmer’s on Whitaker Road.

Then we return to our bus where Ray & I get our laptop computers & try to
figure out: why I can’t access the local WI-FI in this campground with my
built in wireless? The wireless hasn’t worked since being in Shasta City,
CA 4th of July, 2005. We spend over an hr checking different settings &
comparing configurations until Ray simply suggests: “try plugging in my
wireless card.” Bingo! I think my built in wireless circuit is kaput!

Kathy & I enjoy Ray’s company until he has to leave @ 3:30 for the drive
back to Ocean Park. It was terrific having Ray with us & we thank him for
the long drive from the coast for the visit.

5:30pm dinner: Meat loaf with gravy, broccoli, mixed salad & toast.

The remainder of the evening was spent going thru our freshly delivered
mail from Alaska.

High temp=90 Lights out: 10:27pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 26, 2006 6:26 PM.

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