Sunday 16 July 2006

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Awake: 5:20am Temp 72 sleep 5+42 sunny overnight @ Boise, Idaho

Leave the HI Valley RV Park in Boise @ 8:15am. Good travel weather &
smoother roads once we enter into Oregon. I-84 has a lot of beautiful
canyon roads with ups & downs interspersed with plateaus; then along the
Columbia River & Marine Drive, it was absolutely breath-taking for miles.
(2) stops en route: a rest stop for comfort & Flying “J” for diesel fuel.
Arrive @ the Columbia River RV Park @ 3:30 pm local time.

Today’s travel: 7+36 time 420 miles 51 gal used 8.24 mpg
55.5 avg speed

Kathy calls Rosemary C. in PA for her birthday…..I talk with Gary C. a
little & get an update on how things are going on his vegetable & tree

I call Ray in Ocean Shores….to let him know we are close to his old
stomping grounds. He advises me to call his son Nate & work out a schedule
for viewing his kite surfing on the Columbia River tomorrow. Nate will
make a thorough check on the weather Monday & if it’s a go, will give us a
call about 2:30pm.

6:45 dinner: Tuna Steak with broccoli, mixed salad, bread with balsamic
vinegar & olive oil.

No movie tonight…..nothing worth our valuable time. So we watch the news &
later, some reading.

High temp=88 Lights out: 10:45pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 23, 2006 4:17 PM.

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