Tuesday 6 June 2006

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Awake: 5:33am Temp 52 sleep 6+28 sunny overnight @ Navarre,

Call Judy again & leave a message. Call Mark…. “If its ok, we’ll be over
early afternoon” I tell Joan. Then she invites us to have dinner with

Call the campground in Denver we stayed @ last September; talk with Carol
about a reservation sometime in early July.

Program our GPS for the Johnny Appleseed Campground in Fort Wayne, IN.

Drive over to the Boron home @ 2:30 & spend the remaining afternoon & part
of the evening with these folks + Stephen.

At one point, Stephen needed a little extra attention so I volunteered to
show him how to make a more sophisticated paper airplane. With Mark’s
help, Stephen made the paper folds as best as any 5 yr old could but his
plane, when finished, looked like it already had crashed but not yet
burned. Mine however, was neat, clean & aerodynamic looking.
Would you believe: Stephen’s plane flew better & farther then mine? He was
overjoyed & so was I.

6:05pm dinner: Pork ribs grilled by Mark, parsleyed red potatoes, salad, &
home made wine. Joan serves a rhubarb dessert she made from a “Taste of
Home” recipe; it was delicious.

After dinner, Mark & I got into a long-drawn-out computer discussion which
we finally solved & wrapped up the evening with.

It was good visiting with Mark & Joan on this trip. We had many
interesting discussions, tossed endless theories around, told some great
stories & reminisced the so-called: “good ole days.” They are really good

Back to our bus @ 8:40pm. We retract our slides before bed time in the
event of rain.

Watch late evening movie: “Raw Deal.” We shouldn’t have! It was not our
kind of movie. Too much killing & blood scenes.

High temp=? Lights out: 11:27pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 13, 2006 8:54 PM.

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