Thursday 8 June 2006

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Awake: 5:52am Temp 61 sleep 6+14 partly sunny
Elevation 830’ overnight @ Fort Wayne, Indiana

We are in site #7; easy to get into but could be challenging to get out,
especially going in the forward direction. However, when retracting the
slides last night, I checked several of the rear sites & they were
unoccupied…. & they remain so this morning. So with Kathy’s help, I back
out, make a 45 degree turn & then straight ahead to the street.

We leave the Johnny Appleseed campground @ 9:02 under overcast skies to
begin with….then gradually becoming partly sunny. The 1st 100 miles or so
this morning was great: beautiful Indiana farmlands, steadily fast moving
traffic & very smooth roads on hwy 30. Then approaching the town of
Valparaiso, everything that was nice seemed to change quickly to
not-so-nice. Traffic was like an accordion, traffic lights every mile
without synchronization, cars jumping in front of my protective space,
etc. Unfortunately, this scenario continued into Illinois & northbound
into Chicago, where the heavy construction slowed us down to a snails pace
in the merging of 3 lanes into 2. South Chicago paralleling the “L” system
was all torn up with dozers, earth movers, cranes, etc. I thought coming
through here @ 2:30pm would be a breeze, ha!

Kathy knows this area & reminds me that maybe 2:30am would have been more
of a breeze but not now. So the Dan Ryan “Expressway” doesn’t always live
up to its name. Finally we reach the downtown area & the Kennedy
Expressway. Now our speed picks up to a faster pace…..then the Eden
Expressway & our speed returnes to a normal flow.

We arrive @ the Milwaukee State Fair RV Park @ 3:38pm. 2 stops en route,
both routine.

Today’s travel: 6+07 time 256 miles 32.3 gal used 7.92 mpg
44.6 avg speed.

Our campground is like a large concrete parking area with hookups.

8:15 dinner: Leftover pasta, baked chicken, broccoli casserole (all of
this from Jean) & our own toast.

Evening time: watch national news & weather.

High today=82 Lights out: 11:13pm


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 13, 2006 9:06 PM.

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