Sunday 25 June 2006

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 67 sleep 6+23 sunny overnight @ the
Newell campground… Miami, Oklahoma.

Yesterday, traveling on I-44, we passed up a truck wash a mere 25 miles
from our destination & Kathy mentioned that we should have stopped to have
our coach washed. My reaction to that was: “we can wash it ourselves in
the Newell campground; we’ll have the time & we need the exercise!” We
both smiled & nothing else was said about that.

Well, today’s the day. Before breakfast, I am up on the roof with the
water hose, telescoping brush & Windex. About an hr later, the roof is
clean & Kathy’s sourdough pancakes with bacon & eggs are ready. Working
together, (4) hrs later, the coach is clean again plus Kathy had enough
energy to wash our Suzuki while I polished some of our stainless steel.

Next, we cut each other’s hair. It took close to an hr before Kathy hinted
that: it “might” be good enough! I liked my (10min) haircut immediately.

8:00pm dinner: Chicken with Portabella mushrooms, Florentz’s off the
cob…corn from last summer, spinach salad, brown & wild rice & toast.

We were pretty tired so….no TV tonight again.

High today=84 Lights out: 11:02pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 26, 2006 6:49 PM.

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