Saturday 17 June 2006

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Awake: 6:45am Temp 73 sleep 7+22 sunny overnight @
Watertown, WI.

Knowing we were going to have a large lunch, we both ate a light breakfast
of Kathy muffins and cantaloupe.

Not knowing when the group inside the house will be awake or active, we
remain in our coach until close to noontime, reading & taking notes about
what we are learning of this new experience.

About (5) min before noon, Larry knocks on our door & reminds us: “time
for lunch.”
We went inside to find the kitchen a very busy place with the women
putting the food out. We sat down to eat about 12:30 pm. The Sabbath lunch
is much less formal than Fri eve dinner, but still prayers and blessings
are said and sung and hand washing and sharing of the special bread
(Challah) is carried out. Our lunch consisted of: fish (white fish salad
and baked wild salmon), Cholent (a barley vegetable stew which cooks all
night), cold turkey and chicken, pasta and vegetable salads, and dessert
(fruit, ice cream and cake). The meal was complete when Larry began
praying the after meal prayers and all joined in.

After lunch, some of us women went for a short walk and the men got
involved in a motorhome conversation. The 4 women played Mah-Jong, and I
watched for a while. Sallie was content to have some quiet time and read a
book on the porch. Some took naps. We went back to the motorhome and got
ready to go to 5:15 Mass at St Bernard’s in Watertown. After Mass I played
Rummy Kub with 3 of the women and then it was time to eat again.

So at @ 7:15, we gathered around the table for prayers and a lighter, more
informal meal of Challah, fish, deviled eggs, left over salads and
dessert. This followed by more prayers and singing.

When we finish eating we have about an hour before the official end of the
Sabbath. Some of us women again went for a walk, while the others read and
talked. All seem to be getting eager now for the ceremony (Havdolah) which
will end Shabbat. It is a ceremony to distinguish between the Shabbat we
have experienced and the week we are about to enter. Blessings and prayers
are said over the wine which is in a cup overflowing, a symbol of joy; the
spices (cloves) which are passed around for all to inhale to comfort the
soul at the loss of Shabbat; and on the flame from a multi-wicked candle
which symbolizes light and dark and the ability to see the difference in a
very deep way.

And so the Sabbath has come to a close and the daily activities resume;
time to clean up, wash the dishes, get rid of the garbage, read the mail,
etc. For those who have traveled, it’s time to pack their suitcases for
their drives back to their homes. We say our good byes, thank them for
including us, and return to our motorhome. It has been a wonderful
learning and sharing experience for us and we are grateful to Sallie and
Larry for opening their home to us and sharing a very important part of
their lives as well as their friends and family with us. If I’ve
misinterpreted or not done justice to my description of the Shabbat, I ask
forgiveness and hope to be set straight. I must say we feel a closer bond
with all of the people with whom we shared this weekend, and especially
with Sallie and Larry, and look forward to working with them next summer &
attending the Oshkosh Air show.

High temp=86 Lights out: 11:20pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 19, 2006 8:00 PM.

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