Saturday 10 June 2006

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Awake: 5:13am Temp 52 sleep 6+21 mostly sunny
overnight @ Milwaukee, WI.

Leave the Milwaukee State Fair RV Park @ 9:07am. Smooth roads on I-94 to
Madison….then on hwy 14, rough roads until about 20 miles from the town of
Spring Green, then there was recent resurfaced asphalt to ride on; what a
welcome difference.

We arrive @ Bob’s Riverside Resort @ 11:40am. Today’s travel: 2+32 time
118.9 miles 13.5 gal used 8.81 mpg 49.3 avg speed.

After parking & extending our slides, we drive into the town of Spring
Green to check it out by doing a self walking tour. The signs all
indicated 1,444 population but this town has many active stores &
businesses for it’s size. We think it might be a popular tourist town
because of “Taliesin,” the Frank Lloyd Wright home & “The House on a Rock”
adventure, both within 7 driving miles.

We attend 6:00pm Mass @ Saint John the Evangelist church…..then back to
our bus @ 7:15.

8:20pm dinner: Italian sausage with peppers, onions & mushrooms, mixed
salad & toast.

No movie tonight. Some reading instead.

High temp=67 Lights out: 12:23am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 13, 2006 9:58 PM.

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