Friday 23 June 2006

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 63 sleep 6+12 sunny overnight @ HWH

We leave the HWH parking site @ 8:10am. Good weather travel day with I-35
roads thru Iowa & Missouri being 50% rough & smooth. I-435 around Kansas
City, MO & hwy 71 so far, being very smooth. We make (1) comfort stop en
route. Arrive @ the Peculiar Park Place RV Campground in Peculiar,
Missouri @ 2:42pm.

Today’s travel: 6+33 time 355.5 miles 38.4 gal used 9.26
mpg 55 mph avg speed.

After parking, K & I take the Suzuki a mile up the road to the Peculiar
Golf, Learning & Driving Range where we practice hitting some golf balls.
It’s been a ….l-o-n-g time.

7:15 dinner: Snappy swordfish, baked potato, spinach salad & toast.

Again, we watch (2) movies: “No Where to Hide.” Suspenseful &
unpredictable! We didn’t know the actors but it kept us glued to our
seats. 2005.

“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” Filmmakers, Joel and Ethan Coen have
concocted a morality fable wholly unlike any other in recent memory,
starring George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, Holly Hunter,
etc. Three escaped convicts share a series of adventures, and
inadvertently become a singing sensation performing “old-timey” music in
1930’s Mississippi. Delightful to watch. 2000.

High today=77 Lights out: 11:08pm

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