Tuesday 9 May 2006

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Awake: 5:28am Temp 46 Sleep 6+28 Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

Walk to 8:00 am Mass this morning, then join the enigmatic coffee club
members for about 40 min.

After breakfast, I continue prepping & checking our motorhome for travel:
today I clean all 4 slide tops, inside & outside. Then retract & extend
each slide for a good hydraulic verification of operation. During my
hydraulic check, Donna K. visits to have Kathy put drops in her right
eye…..while baby sitting, her granddaughter, Lydia, accidentally scratched
her cornea.

Next I run the Detroit Diesel for 20 min while Kathy makes a trip to our
post office.

Later we call my sister Corinne to find out “how goes it @ UPJ for the
first week?” “It went very good” she reported to us.

7:45 dinner: Pecan chicken casserole, fried brown rice with bacon, corn
from my cousin Florentz’s garden(off the cob), mixed salad & toast.

Evening Movie: “Murphy’s Romance” with Sally Fields & James Garner. This
sweet little love story marks the finest performance by James Garner. Both
he & Sally Fields are great together & the result is a complete charmer.

High temp=70 Lights out: 11:25pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 19, 2006 2:54 PM.

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