Thursday 4 May 2006

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Awake: 4:44am Temp 47 Sleep 6+15 partly cloudy
Overnight @ Nicktown

Check in @ the Foote house @ 8:02am. Plenum duct work today: 8 hrs & no
lunch. We took a 30 min break during my Cousin Andrea’s visit & that was
it. Andrea has been very patient; we gave her a 100% silk pink scarf today
for doing the Footes a BIG favor last year. It was bought in Hong Kong
during our Asian Pacific Cruise & she was happy to finally receive it.

Our duct work progress was very good. We connected, fastened with screws
then taped that connection with aluminum foil & also taped the outside
aluminum foil that covers the insulation of each 6’ plenum joint save for
the tee connection. What we didn’t do was connect an elbow & one end
plenum section to allow crawling space for the air conditioning guys to
run their Freon lines thru the knee wall area. Kevin wasn’t real sure if
he could squeeze in “one more plenum” on the street side of the house….we
think we can but we’ll check again later. We work an extra 30 min to make
up for Andrea’s visit. Back to our bus @ 5:45pm.

8:00pm dinner: Chicken stirs fry with brown rice, mixed salad & toast.

Evening movie: “Do the Right Thing,” 1989. Spike Lee’s controversial study
of the deep-rooted racism in America starts off as a hilarious
multi-character comedy & evolves into a disturbing, thought provoking&
timely drama. It was good but it was bad. Kathy didn’t like it from the
beginning but I found it to be an excellent character study experience.
However, when I glanced over to see how she was doing during the movie,
she was sound asleep… maybe (I) didn’t “do the right thing” by
watching: “Do the Right Thing.”

High temp=? Lights out: 10:38pm

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