Thursday 18 May 2006

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Awake: 7:30am Temp 49 Sleep 5+41 rain…most of the morning
partly sunny mid-afternoon & evening. Overnight@Nicktown

Drive to our community center & join the unbelievable coffee club members
for over an hr.

After breakfast, K & I take some time to organize & clean up our home a
little before the VIP’s arrive later this afternoon.

@ 11:00 am, Al K. picks me up for a noon-time Rotary meeting & lunch @ the
Cambria Hill Country Club; en route we stop in Barnesboro to pick up Anne
who also is a Rotary member.
Meanwhile Kathy uses the Suzuki to go shopping @ Wal-Mart & West End
market in Ebensburg.

@ the Rotary meeting, 5 high school seniors from the Cambria County area,
each received a $1000,00 scholarship to start their freshman year in the
college of their choice. The monies came from this local Rotary chapter.

Lunch was delicious: Meatloaf, potatoes, noodles with tomatoes, cantaloupe
& strawberry shortcake. Al delivers me back to the bus @ 1:50pm.

Kathy returns @ 2:10pm & the Junior + Senior Footes arrive @ 2:20. It’s
raining intermittently so we all hang out in the bus for 2 hrs. Kevin & I
do take the time, however, to drive across town & take the long aluminum
ladder out of storage, load it into the Ford van & tie the rear doors
close to shut. The senior Footes live in Montana & are taking a 3 week
vacation to visit their children. They all leave @ 4:35pm.

8:15 light dinner: Leftover turkey meal from our mid-afternoon Heilwood
visit on Tuesday.

No movie tonight; nothing of interest.

High temp=53 Lights out: 10:44pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 22, 2006 11:46 AM.

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