Sunday 7 May 2006

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Awake: 5:50am Temp 37 Sleep 7 hrs Sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We attend 8:00am Mass & afterwards Kathy makes whole wheat sourdough
pancakes with eggs over easy with bacon. As a bonus, we watch a
documentary on Rita Hayworth who was a beautiful & talented woman….also
married 6 times.

Today’s plan: hang around our motorhome: make a few phone calls, do a
little reading & watch a few movies.

In talking to Nick, he reports little sleep: too much night time activity
with baby Jerry, Eriko & grandma.

Sometime around sevenish dinner: Filet mignon, brown rice pilaf, broccoli,
mixed salad & toast.

Early evening movie: “Homecoming” with Anne Bancroft & Kimberlee Peterson.
A good family film with a “make you feel good” finish.1996

Later evening movie: “Mask of Zorro” with Antonio Banderas, Anthony
Hopkins & Catherine Zeta Jones. Expertly crafted action entertainment +
the best filmed incarnation of the Mexican masked man yet. How about

High temp=63 Lights out: 11:15pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 19, 2006 2:49 PM.

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