Saturday 13 May 2006

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Awake:4:28am Temp 47 Sleep 6+05 partly sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We report for work @ the Foote house @ 8:00am sharp. Kevin & I waste no
time in getting started: cutting more 2” holes in the 6’ plenum, attaching
the takeoff tubes & cutting holes thru the 3rd floor attic to supply cold
air to the bedroom below. We also cut a 4” hole thru the attic knee wall
floor into the master bedroom closet & thru that closet floor into the
dining room ceiling on the 1st floor. Today was an easier work day for me
as Kevin did all the hole sawing with his powerful geared down drill. My 8
hrs of work with no lunch are up so we leave @ 4:15pm.

Back @ the bus, we both shower then walk to 6:00pm Mass.

8:00pm dinner: Leftover meatloaf & Italian sausage, broccoli, brown rice,
mixed salad & toast.

Evening movie: “Pleasantville” with Toby Maguire, Jeff Daniels, Reese
Witherspoon, etc. This sly, provocative allegory reveals the shortcomings
of the 1950s-style sitcom “utopias” in a manner that is as subversive as
the ingenious storyline. It was great. Every teen should see it! 1998

High temp? Lights out: 10:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 20, 2006 9:26 AM.

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