Monday 15 May 2006

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Awake:5:28am Temp 48 Sleep 6+35 Light rain overnight@Nicktown

Drive to our community center & attend 8:00am Mass before joining the
recalling coffee club members for 50 min.

After breakfast, OUT from my closet bookshelf comes the remainder of my
FMCA (Family Motor Coaching Association), Motor homing & Highways
magazines. I would like to finish going thru them today….maybe?

7:20 dinner: Crispy Dijon chicken, cauliflower in mushroom sauce, mixed
salad & toast.

Early evening: watch President Bush’s speech on the Illegal Immigration &
Border Patrolling dilemmas.

Later evening: watch a documentary on Judy Garland.

High temp=50 Lights out: 10:47

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 20, 2006 9:32 AM.

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