Tuesday 25 April 2006

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Awake: 5:22am Temp 41 Overcast, then evening rain
Overnight @ Nicktown

We report @ the Footes @ 8:00am sharp. Kevin continues cutting thru those
walls for the plenum run. Besides cutting thru the sheetrock on both sides
of the wall, he also cuts thru both sides of the lath strips which are
sealed in plaster. It’s noisy, dusty & takes time.

Meanwhile he has given me another electrical outlet to move to another
wall due to the running of the plenum. It’s not as noisy or dusty but it’s
still tedious & dirty.

I like the fact that I can do this sort of thing @ my age but don’t want
to make a habit of it. Around 3:00pm we begin to run out of things to do.
Kevin has more or less finished cutting thru all the walls to make the
long plenum run & I am finished fishing wires under the flooring & moving
the electric outlet to a better location.

So @ 3:15, K & I leave for Nicktown….stopping @ the Krumenacker Hardware
store for some water filters & the post office for our mail. We are back
to the bus @ 4:30.

Our phone recorder had a message from Kevin when we entered: Dave called @
3:50… the drip pan is finished & ready to be picked up. Darn! We left too

6:45 dinner: Leftover pork tenderloin & eggplant parmesan, green beans,
fresh salad & toast.

Evening entertainment movie from satellite: “Picnic” with William Holden,
Kim Novak & Cliff Robertson. This was advertised as: “One of the best
films about small-town life ever lensed & blessed with a cast that makes
it even more credible." Kathy’s stay awake time was like no other.

High temp=61 Lights out: 10:23pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 30, 2006 11:46 AM.

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