Sunday 9 April 2006

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Awake: 5:22am Cloudy Overnight @ Anchorage, AK

@ 9:00am we meet Ben & Jackie @ the "Village Inn" on Northern Lights. A
good breakfast with good people. Afterwards, they invite us to spend some
time & check out their condo with it's new paint scheme & the renovated
gas fireplace. Both projects are done well & looking good. I spend time
with Ben upstairs watching a Nascar race in Texas & exploring his new
digital Olympis 8.8 mega-pixel, 14 X power digital zoom camera. This took
some time & we finally figured out that this camera is for the
professionals. Ben & Jackie have a neat & comfortable condo in a very
desirable area of Anchorage. They have reason to be proud of their home.

Mid afternoon, we leave B & J's place & drive around downtown Anchorage
spotting new changes, new construction & renovated bldgs. This city
continues to have an active downtown area.

6:00pm dinner @ the "Bear Tooth Theatre Pub & Grill." We share a salad,
beer battred halibut with chips & a Pipeline Stout Beer. Enroute back to
the condo, we stop & look @ a new "Brown Jug" liquor store just out of
curosity.....but then....that made us thirsty, so Kathy insisted we stop
@ the Mooses Tooth where we each have the famous: "Darth Delirium" beer.

Lights out: 11:14pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 12, 2006 5:51 PM.

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