Sunday 23 April 2006

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Awake: 5:50am Temp 48 Intermittent light rain + TRW’s
Overnight @ Nicktown.

Some morning computer time for me….then Kathy calls her friend Ann E. in
Anchorage & later, Jackie, also in Anchorage.

My sister Corinne visits & later dines with us. We have a lot to talk
about: her time spent @ Saint Luke’s; some of her experiences while there;
description of her written contract with her advisors & what she records @
home on a daily basis. It is a very active & well monitored program. She
returns to work @ the University of Pittsburgh @ Johnstown on Monday, May

6:15pm dinner: Pork tenderloin, sweet potatoes, green beans, apple sauce &
toast. Corinne leaves @ 7:50pm. It was a pleasant & interesting rendezvous
with my sister.

8:00pm Movie from Satellite: “Hidalgo.” Based on the memories of Frank T.
Hopkins, America’s endurance horse rider, this movie was also

High temp=61 Lights out: 11:23

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 30, 2006 8:27 AM.

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