Tuesday 21 March 2006

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Awake: 4:40am Temp 20 Partly sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

We attend 8:00 am Mass, then join the evocative coffee club members for 50

Mid morning, Melissa calls: using her phone book from Alaska, she gives
Kathy the phone # for Dimond Vision so we can make an appointment later
today for when we are in Anchorage.

Kathy reminded me yesterday that we have no pictures on CD covering our
Asian Pacific Cruise that our Alaska pals have been asking for. During
Melissa’s call this morning & with recent experience, she tells Kathy how
easy Wal-Mart has made it for getting those pictures on a CD.

So it’s off to Ebensburg & Wal-Mart photo center where we spend over an hr
transferring our digital pictures from the memory sticks onto CD’s. We
scrutinized, rotated, edited, removed red eye & made 5 prints during our
casual visit. Yes, we also did some light shopping.

6:30 dinner: Meatloaf with gravy, baked potatoes, broccoli, fruit salad &

7:00 watch satellite movie: “Parenthood” with Steve Martin, Mary
Steenburgen, Tom Hulce, etc. A Ron Howard movie; not bad, funny at times!

High temp: 33 Lights out: 10:26

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 23, 2006 2:22 PM.

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