Friday 24 February 2006

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Awake; 4:35am Temp 23 Partly sunny Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive up to the community center for 1.3 hrs of exercise & then join the
ponderous coffee club members for 40 min. Next we thought we would attend
the 9:30am children’s Mass but when we walked into church, Mass was
already ¾ over? We all took a second glance @ our watches! Father Job, who
has been out of the country for 3 weeks & just returned yesterday @
5:00pm, made a last min change in the Mass schedule for today. He
apologized to us “late” comers.

After breakfast, I call TracStar Systems in Florida & talk with Al. He
talks me through many settings & adjustments using the IRD (Integrated
Receiver Decoder), which controls our oval LNB (low noise block) antenna
on the roof of our motorhome. Al thinks our antenna is scanning, locking
on & tracking OK but feels we need to have our IRD reprogrammed & the
software updated. We made arrangements to have the update black box
shipped to us ASAP.

7:05 dinner: Kathy’s homemade crab cakes, brown rice, spinach salad,
cauliflower in Boursin cheese & toast.

Late evening: Watch DVD movie from the Foote collection: “Mr. Deeds” with
Adam Sandler & Winona Ryder. Our “Video & DVD Movie Guide” rated this as a
“turkey.” We both agreed it should be at least a 3 star.

High temp: 33 Lights out: 11:14pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 2, 2006 2:10 PM.

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